Monday, November 5, 2007

E-mail Forwards

One of my coworkers just sent me an e-mail forward saying that if I made a wish and forwarded the e-mail to five friends (not including the person who originally sent it), my wish will come true in the number of minutes of the age I am! Woohoo! So, if I were to hypothetically make a wish that some guy will find me striking beautiful and ask me out on a date, I would only have to wait 26 minutes for my phone to ring.

Okay, what a bunch of crap. People actually believe this stuff?

Said forward reminded me of the greatest forward ever: Four basic types of chain letters. I used to have it in my old e-mail account, but since said account has since been deleted by Hotmail, I turned to the Internet. I wasn't disappointed--though the Internet version is not as clean as the copy I received originally.

Anyway, if you can stomach occasional crude language, you can read it on this website, along with a ton of other forwards you've probably gotten too. Three cheers for weird people who document this type of stuff.

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