Wednesday, September 8, 2010

New Young Adult Series, the Donna

For the past year I've been working with some fantastic people to edit a new young adult book called the Donna. We've finally got it ready for preorder, so I finally get to write a blog about it!

The book is about a 13-year-old girl named Britte who is destined to become a donna--a profession that nobody wants. But along her way she learns a lot more about the donna and how it will shape the rest of her life. It's a genuinely compelling story about the development of a heroine, and the more that I've read it, the more that I love it.

I'm completely thrilled that this project has come as far as it has in such a short amount of time. I saw the first proof print of the book last weekend, and I can't even tell you how excited I was to see that the story is more real than it has ever been before.

Check out the website at

1 comment:

Lesley said...

you have worked really hard on this project- I hope it's a smash hit!