Monday, October 25, 2010

Board Book 3: A

It only took, what, a year, to get back to bookbinding my 100 Hour Board project?

This weekend I was extremely productive and decided to try and clean out my crafty crap (that's what I call it) under the stairs (that's where I'm storing it all these days). I actually thought I was still on book 2 and started freaking out when I couldn't find the "O" paper (funny I realized later it was on the second book and I should have been looking for the "A" paper). A, as in the third letter in the word BOARD. Ha ha...

I actually don't like this one 'cause I was experimenting with a new cover idea combined with my coptic binding. I actually tried this same idea with my second book, but I used leather on that one, which is a little stronger than my waxed thread on this one. The cover is on, but it shifts a little, so I'll probably try to strengthen it.

Two more to go! (I hope to have them both done before 2012.)

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