Thursday, October 29, 2009

Blog Book Volume 4

I started sewing the text block for my fourth blog book, oh, last November. Another 500-something-page novel. And this week I finally finished it. This is another flatback sewing variety. I am still trying to learn how to make better headbands; I am not good at tying them at all, even though I'm taking the instructions from a book I bought a few months ago. I'll keep practicing, and if I never get good at them, I'll just buy the premade ones! It's so ironic that the headband on the bottom of the book is so much better than the top one. Grr.

Anyway, I try to make each of my blogs stand apart from each other. I really like the buttons on this one, and I thought the twine would be fun, especially because it works with the paper. And yes the twine is crooked on purpose. It's different. It's fun.

1 comment:

Lesley said...

I really need to teach me some bookbinding skills. It's always been something I've wanted to try, but it all seems so overwhelming. Besides, you're so good at it, I figure I'll just let you bind all my books for me.

And I love the closures- makes it seems like you're about to read something truly spectacular... which is also true.