Monday, October 19, 2009

Bookbinding Marathon

I loved my day yesterday. I haven't done bookbinding in a long time because my work schedule is crazy and my weekends turn out to be just as so. But yesterday we had regional conference instead of our regular church meeting, which bumped our meeting time to 10 am instead of 1 pm. So after I returned home at noon, I had the entire afternoon and evening to play with my materials.

I'm a lot more productive when I have a solid block of time to get things done. In eight hours (on and off), I made two book covers and started sewing up a text block with a double-coptic sewing methods (new to me, so it is taking longer than usual). I also "watched" three movies with my dad; we like putting on movies as background noise while we work, and most of the movies we've seen so many times we can watch them in our heads. Take Galaxy Quest, for instance. "Do you guys ever watch the show?"

My covers should be dry by tonight, so I'm motivated to get both of them done sometime this week. Pictures to come!

1 comment:

Lesley said...

you mean you didn't pass out from exhaustion after a whole day of shooting at a wedding? I sure did. I'm really impressed.

And I can't wait to see your creations!