Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Invitation: Birthday Party for Kallie 2

The Clifford Party ended up changing last minute to a Cupcake Party, so I redid the invite for posterity's sake. (We'll save the Clifford one for next year!)

I'm not the world's greatest graphic designer, but everything I know is a combination of Alma's basic Illustrator class + practice on my own time. I think designing is fun, but they always look better in my brain...


stacey said...

i love Love LOVE it!!!

Lesley said...

too cute. No really, it's too cute. It's not fair to the other birthday party announcements. Especially since this one is technically not real :)

erin said...

What do you mean it wasn't real? I was there. I saw Kallie in her cupcake shirt. The party was on that date at Kallie's house... what's the problem? :) :)