Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Halloween Photoshoot (1): The Table

A few days ago I posted about how excited I was for a Halloween party I was invited to shoot. Well, I'm so excited about them I haven't gone to sleep yet (if you notice the time stamp on this!) I'm going to split up these posts because there are so many fantastic photos and you'll get really tired of scrolling forever. So I'll group them into categories and save the best for last--the ghosts. Seriously. :)

JV & L threw the most elaborate Halloween party I have ever seen--genre circa 1904. JV said they've been planning this since July, and I can see why they've been excited for months! I think the details of the table will speak for themselves. There's a good reason I had so much fun taking pictures of everything, and believe me, I could have taken a lot more.

I edited my photos in three different white balance options: SOOC, tungsten, and a black & white overlay. The aluminum serveware provided a gorgeous accent to the gold, brown, and black colors (and the candlelight too) and it looks gorgeous in any scene. But I couldn't resist some shots that stay true to a candlelit room.





Paper menu, silhouettes created by Lifestyle Crafts; aluminum serveware from Old Town Imports

1 comment:

Melissa Esplin said...

i'm getting chills of wonder and fright!!!! great work!