Thursday, May 5, 2011

Stumble: BookMooch

This is a post after my own heart! BookMooch is a site that lets you give away books to other people and you can trade them for books that you want to read, too. Seems like this concept could be the next phase of the world's library! Signup is free for the service; there's no cost to participate except for the postage cost of mailing your books to other people. If you decide to try it out (I haven't been reading as much as I probably should be), let me know what you think of the service!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I used BookMooch a bunch last year. I had a mixed experience with it. The books I've wanted have pretty much not been available at all. One time someone sent me a Book Crossing book, which bothered me because I'd planned to keep it. A couple times people have not responded, or claimed the book they sent me "got lost" in the mail.

However, I enjoy disposing of books I don't want anymore on BookMooch. I feel great about sending them to people who are specifically wanting the books I have, and I like the idea that I could potentially get something I want in exchange. Maybe sometime I will. It's more fulfilling than just sending a box of books to DI.

If you want, I have a whole box of BookMooch cards that you put in books to let strangers know about the site. For a while I made monthly donations on the site and I ordered a box of the cards. I seldom think to use them, though, so you're welcome to have a bunch of them if you want. They're kind of pretty and it's fun to think you're sharing the site with other people.