Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Bryant Park & More of Central Park

November 8 was spent enjoying the day at Bryant Park and Central Park. (I love parks, can you tell?) We took the kids over to a cute little French carousel that Jones and Ella just love. The blue tokens give them the rides, and the horses produce the smiles. Ella got to ride the carousel twice and chose the horse with the roses on the front.

Bryant Park had these darling little holiday shops, and one of them was a waffles booth called Wafels & Dinges. What is a dinges, you ask? Summary: stuff. Longer version: you can read the company's blog entry on it. At any rate, this chocolate-smothered waffle was heaven.

The lighting in mid-afternoon Central Park was amazing. We walked down a hidden path (okay, off the regular one) and spent time time dancing among the trees and enjoying the lovely golden leaves. And I caught some beautiful images of my babies.


Lesley said...

love love love these. Pure magic.

Lesley said...

came back to see these again :) love these SO much.