Monday, January 5, 2009

Word of the Day

I've decided that I need to try and resurrect/maintain the four semesters of Spanish my brain accumulated while I was at BYU. So today, while I was purchasing a Utah calendar at Borders for my office, I decided to get a 365-day Spanish calendar as well. (I wanted a New Yorker Office calendar like I got for 2008, but they were all gone.) My coworkers were just as thrilled as I was to have the Spanish tutorial; JG picked it up and started flipping through it immediately. Today's word? Trabajar (trah-bah-HAHR), meaning to work. Luckily I already remember this word. There is a sentence that goes along with it too: "Pero hoy tenemos que trabajar" (but today we have to work). Isn't that the truth, especially coming off of the holiday season...

I also bought a Italia 2009 calendar; my coworker said, "How many calendars do you need?" I told him I bought the Utah wall to mark up with projects, the Spanish one for education, and the Italy one just because I liked the pictures. And all three were 50% off. Hooray for calendars being on sale a few days into the new year.

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