Sunday, October 30, 2011

Heart and Faith

I designed this as inspired by a comment by Peter on one of my Pinterest posts... the quote is rumored to be authored by "teen quotes" or an unknown source as quoted on Facebook walls.


Amber Addams said...

This is beautiful! did you create this? Will you please teach me all of your secrets? I have so many quotes I would love to have written in a beautiful way, but feel so inadequate to actually do it.

Amber Addams said...

and ps love the inspiration behind the re-creation of this great quote.

erin said...

Yup! I took 15 minutes to get crafty last night. Yay. I did this in Illustrator. I'm sure if I had spent 30 it might have been even better...

Unknown said...

See, I find that so much more convincing. My mind just rejects everything written in Comic Sans.